Designer Spotlight: The Extremely Vibrant Visual Work of Peter Hamlin

hamlin open mind

We feature remarkable talent from around the world in our Designer Spotlight. #didesignerspotlight

Today we feature the surreal, vibrant work of Peter Hamlin.  His work is crafted in forms of paintings and drawings.  Peter crafts masterpieces that tie with blasts of color with such a deep imagination that makes you stare into each piece.  Take a peak at Peters website , or find him on Tumblr.

Envisioning the future, where technology will be indistinguishable from life, Peter Hamlin uses visual forms of painting, drawing, printmaking and objects informed by elements of storytelling and myth-making. Compositions blend fantasy and science as the spaces breathe with awareness in vibrant, synthetic colors, layers, and delineated systems.

Blurring the boundaries between the artificial and organic, the nefarious, benevolent, and benign, Peter constructs environments where nanopeople, robots, cyborg plants, and curious synthetic organisms live their lives. Humor and playfulness hybridize in these spaces where multiple outcomes to this destiny manifest through color, pattern and line.

As technologies are radically changing how humans experience the world, Peter’s work creates a place for exploration of how we adapt as a species, determine our future, and prepare for what’s to come.

Peter lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. pjhamlin (at)


Take a peak at Peters website , or find him on Tumblr.

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