160824104221 cayan tower super 43

Spiraled skyscrapers have gained some kind of attraction recently. With recent technological advances in construction, engineering, and architectural computer programs we have been able to change the design of tall buildings. Besides looking neat and standing out amongst other skyscrapers, spiral skyscrapers also have benefits such as making the building more aerodynamic and more energy efficient. While we may have a few now, many more spiral skyscrapers being planned for the future. Here are a few of finished beauties. 160824104221-cayan-tower-super-43160824100259-ocean-height-tower-dubai-super-43 160824105005-laktha-tower-1-super-43 160824105357-shanghai-tower-1-super-43


Source: cnn

#architecture #building #skyscraper #sprial #twist

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